Friday, December 22, 2006

Willfully Unemployed...

So today was my last day at work. It was pretty sad at the end. Especially saying good-bye to Curly.

Now I have almost three weeks off, but mostly it will be taking care of business here and then taking care of business there....

It feels pretty weird, to not be working, or that the next job I may have may be my "career" OR some schlubb job like slinging coffee or maybe a video store. I wonder if you get free videos when you work in a video store. I'd be ok with that.

Tonight is movie night, Mohamed is working on his ensuite bathroom. I think he may get it done!!

well i suppose that's about it, it would be great to celebrate tonight, but everyone is either away or busy. That time of year I suppose. It's going to be great to not set my alarm for the next little bit. But I have to pony up and getting really packed.

Well now it's back to the studio......

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Today is the day that I really should be packing. In that vein I stayed up very late last night watching Friends episodes with Mo- I really didn't like it that much but I have to say it's made me laugh really hard. I think I like Phoebe the best, although I relate much more to Monica's anal retentative/ocd-ness.

Anyhoo after sleeping in late I have thus far packed 5 boxes. So it's slowly starting to come together. I was going to sell my dishes but now I am wondering if I ought to ship them out. I do quite like them and they are pretty good quality rather than the el-cheapo's I would buy there.

And so I have watched two movies today and done the dishes. I feel like I am back in University and I have a paper due. What will I clean next???

Alright- back to the procrastination. I really have to get on it or I won't get in all the procrastination I need to do.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The dreaded morning after

Well actually it wasn't as terrible as it could have been. Last night was my going away evening with friends and fellows that were able to make it. It was quite good fun- especially for me as I am old and defunct and don't get out like those young whippersnappers i know.

The evening began at Bart's pub for dinner, my parents and Nanny joined us which was so nice of them. It was difficult to say good bye to Nanny, but I am optimistic that she will fly out to visit me and we will happy hour Toronto!

We then proceeded to go to Big Bad John's - however there were too many of us and we couldn't all fit. Even though I asked the bouncer to throw out some losers that were NOT having a farewell party he seems oblivious to my plight. Hmmm

So we had a couple in the sticky wicket and headed to the Red Jacket. The woman at the door Diana who i spoke with was awesome- gave us cheap cover and we danced like it was 1999 all night long.

I felt fine this morning waking up except for my back being a bit out of whack. Seems like I got my groove on and it got stuck there.

Mary, Merrick and Janos and I went for a breakfast at Cup of Joe's and then for a drive. We got back and everyone went there separate ways- Mary and Merrick adopted some of my plants. Then I watched Children of Dune from bed under a duvet. (yeah I know I am a nerd but Frank Herbert is/was the shizznack)

Frankly I consider this day seized.
And with that I am going to read in bed.

Monday, December 4, 2006

New Luggage

Monday night football

Ok it's pretty disturbing but I actually enjoy football at the moment. I like Sunday morning games the best- while making a nice breakfast with my ethirnopean MoMo.

However this post is about luggage. I have some hot new luggage to move with. It's pretty stellar as you can see. I guess now at this point I need to work on packing. Damn!

Ok I suppose no packing will get done should I keep chatting on like this.... (but you have to love the luggage)

Friday, December 1, 2006

It's the end of November as we know it- and I feel fine!

The last day of the month, my last November on the west coast for now. I just got off the phone/web cam with Valerie. She's in the midst of packing to move into their house- although there now looks like a delay in getting in. There's always something with moving...

The snow is starting to melt I suppose... I really like it, it makes everything a winter wonderland. I saw my parents tonight which was awesome- they are very tanned. It looks like they had a great time in Mexico.

Hmm this post is boring me too much, I am going to go and try to figure out if I should buy a bus pass next month or if it's cheaper to not.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Snow Day!

Today the most amazing this has happened, it's a snow day. We haven't really had a snow day for years here. It began snowing yesterday morning and has barely stopped. The buses aren't really running so it was impossible to get to work, then i found out the Sidney is out of power. I hope they get it back soon. A neighbouring apartment building is out of power as well and it's really hard on them.

I think the snow is really pretty- good work up for the big Toronto I suppose. But there isn't really anyone to go out and play with which is a bit unfortunate. So we are watching Sopranos- new season!!!!!
Here's a pic from outside last night front and back

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Feeling Fuzzy

I am still a sicko, had to leave the house and my bed yesterday which was frustrating, but fortunately was able to spend the day inside today. I did go out to pick up more cold medicine and some peppers, that pretty much zapped any energy I might have thought I had.

We just had dinner, Mohamed got to talk to his niece on the phone tonight, little kids are so much fun! I made a mongolian beef something or other with rice and red peppers and green beans.

Managed to tidy a bit today, this isn't turning into the productive weekend I thought it would. So irritating. I need to get things done, but if I am up for more than half an hour I feel terrible. My parents rang and they were delayed in Mexico for eight hours and should be back home tomorrow night. I would love to see them but it may have to wait until I am feeling better.

Well it seems the cold medicine is kicking in as I am finding it hard to focus. It just might be bed time. Hopefully once my head clears and my body stops aching these posts will be slightly less mundane and a bit more introspective.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Boo Sicko

Somehow I have contracted a cold. This does not make me very happy, pretty grumpy actually. Last night I was only starting to feel bad, Chelsea, Laura, Jodi and I went to the Fernwood Inn for dinner. It was very nice- it looks very chic inside now. A far cry from the dingy pub we used to frequent as students.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The First One


Welcome to my life... and as i look at the clock, it's back to work. Damn!
what an exciting first post...