Well I have returned, I don't know if I could say it was a triumphant return- but I did make the plane on time so there IS that.
(me and Nanny at Rathtrevour- my fave place on earth I think!)
My trip out West went really well. I went to quite a few places and feel like I saw a fair amount of people, my apologies to those I didn't see, my time in Victoria was really short and mostly taken up with the wedding and family. Next visit I would think that I have to spend more time in Victoria (shudder!).
I had a great visit up island with my Grandmother and Aunt and Uncle who happened to be coming down the last night I was there.
Managed to get in a fair bit of swimming in the ocean and a lake swim, which was unbelievably delightful. All in all it was a good visit, and I feel no pull to move back there at all. I would like to convince my family to move out here though- go on do it!
I had a really great visit with my brother, Don, we played some cards- I won, naturally... went for a bit of a wander up Mt. Tolmie and Mt. Doug which was just great, stuff that I really enjoyed doing but sort of forgot about.
There were two separate kayaking outtings with each unit. On Elk Lake with my mum and on the Gorge with my dad. Both were really fun times!
The weather was spectacular for pretty much all of the trip, which is handy because that is how I planned it.
A&A's wedding went off without any real hitches, it was beautiful and they were beaming. I'm looking forward to catching up with them once they return and get back to reality!
Oh reality, you harsh mistress. I'm happy to say I have put it off just a little bit, the majority of my first week back, which is also the first week back and only working one job, was spent sleeping. I guess I'm catching up on all the lost sleep. And I do believe I need to break the habit of just getting home and going to bed.
One good thing about being a workaholic is it sort of excuses you from having a life and putting yourself out there, which is very handy at times.
I zipped down to NY/NJ this past long weekend to visit with Val and Rob and meet my darlingest little godson, Sean! He is such a delight, a really happy little giggly baby and so smiley- I am completely in love with him. I had a lot of cuddles and hugs and somehow managed to get away without changing a diaper.... sneaky! So it was great to catch up with Val and Rob and see their new place.
Coming home was a bit of an ordeal, I left on a slightly later bus out of NYC, which enabled me to hang out a bit in Bryant Park and wander around, which I can't go anywhere near the City and not do. It's just such an amazing and wonderful place to be, I am extremely envious of anyone who is able to live there. I did manage to get back to TO with an hour to spare before work on Tuesday, but the bus has left me feeling a bit coldish and I'm still trying to catch up on sleep.
Ok! That was then, this is now. It's a few weeks later... pretty much back in the swing of things- starting to enjoy evenings and weekends off.
So maybe I'll start posting with some sort of regularity? It just might happen!
Ok! That was then, this is now. It's a few weeks later... pretty much back in the swing of things- starting to enjoy evenings and weekends off.
So maybe I'll start posting with some sort of regularity? It just might happen!