The topic of this post is falling... It's strange the connotations the word falling can take. One can fall physically, emotionally, spiritually. And does one have to fall, to be able to arise to greater heights than before? I think we have all be down before, but it does help us recognize the highs. Hmmm deep thoughts. Nothing like a road trip to bring out deep thoughts.
Right this picture is a picture of a picture that I took on my camera, the cord is in PA.... But me at the falls....
Yesterday Melissa, Vince, Vince's sister Jennifer and I made our way out to Niagara Falls. It's been a momentous week on the Canadian Landmark for us- first speakers corner(!), then the CN Tower and now the Falls. I have to say, this was my favourite. The CN Tower was ok, but I am always continually more in awe of what Nature can do as opposed to people. (Kenneth Clark would be appalled).
The falls were breathtaking, even with half of them frozen over, almost more so, I found a real sense of movement in the layers of ice. A snapshot of one moment. We went to the "Journey Behind the Falls" which is where you walk to some viewing platforms about 2/3 of the way down the falls. One was totally iced over, but the other you could see the water coming down.
After viewing that we took the scenic drive to Niagara on the Lake. Stopping at a winery on the way to sample their wares. I bought jam! (apricot mmmm) Niagara on the lake is about half an hour away and such a beautiful little town. Niagara Falls is super tacky which I guess is understandable. But this town is lovely, it's obviously trying to be a bit quaint but it works for them and they aren't being pushy about it.
We had dinner at the Olde Angel Inn, our second choice but it was the right one! As soon as we walked in I loved it. It's a nice proper English style pub with real fireplaces, lots of wood, a fine selection of ales- served at the right temperature. Just really cozy. It's been in business since 1792, burned down once in 1812 and going ever since. Really a good pub should not be anywhere under 100 years old. But I won't go into a rant about the problems with North American pubs- not today anyway.
Right-on topic- dinner was good and then we headed back to the city. I love road tripping with Melissa, I feel no shame in screeching out the lyrics to You Give Love A Bad Name in front of her, since I know she is doing the same.
Well I was back home by 9pm which was great and then Kundun was on TV. Oooh I love that movie, it's so beautifully shot and poignant. All the reds and yellows of the Tibetan Monks.. (and we know red and yellow= orange!) I like the idea of the Tibetan Sky Ceremony for the dead. It's where your body is cut up and fed to vultures on the top of a mountain. I don't know why I like it, seems more freeing that laying somewhere.
AND BIG NEWS!!! I woke this morning to an email saying that Rob and Florie are now proud parents to Serena Dulcie Waller. So I think that they have also fallen! I have seen two pictures of her and I admit I am already pretty smitten.
Well that's about it on the adventure so far. I think it's going to be a mindful day. Pondering on falling, but hopefully not doing any actual physical falling. I consider a day seized if I don't fall over at some point or bang my elbow on something.
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