It's also August first. I quite like the first of months. I try to remember to say white rabbits before saying anything else in the morning or before talking to anyone. But given my lifestyle that's pretty easy at the moment.
Life has been pretty super lately. I have had two friends recommend to me that I watch/read "The Secret" all about the laws of attraction. Well after finding out the book has about 1200 holds on it at the library I decided on the movie option. I ended up watching it although it had no sound and was subtitled. It's quite uplifting and great in general. I have heard of lots of the theories before, however it's good to have a refresher.
On that note, I've been in a great mood lately. I have also decided that I'm going to pick a different colour everyday and notice it as much as possible. Today, as the title implies was yellow- which is one of my more favourite colours to begin with. It makes me happy just thinking about the colour yellow.
I recently rearranged my room and I think this new set up is going to work much better for me. Yessss much bettah! I can now see out the window from my: desk, chair and bed. In the mornings actually it's quite lovely because I can see the sun on the tree leaves and the added bonus of feeling the breeze from the window.
It's darn hot right now, hotter than a snakes ass in a wagon rut. And if it's hot for me down in my basement it is HAWT.
I also purchased a plant tonight! His name is Albert and he's a peace lily. Yes, I name AND talk to my plants- (one small step to crazy cat woman, I know). I have a peace lily that is staying with my parents right now, that one is about ten years old. I have a cactus at my parents that I have had since high school(which is terrifyingly over ten years). I really miss my plants actually. I think I must be putting down roots (ha- figuratively if not literally) by buying some plants here in Toronto. Living in a plant free existence is just not me.
Really I have nothing for you, my admiring public (hi mum!). I'm just warm and bored and don't quite want to go to sleep.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
And reality sets in
Which is really on the whole quite tragic. But after my big trip to New York I suppose it was an eventuality that I would have to come back to land again. And it was off and running. I got back and had plenty of schoolwork to keep me very occupied. I also realized that my life as a gad about student was coming to an end and it was time to *gasp* get a job.
So in the month and a bit I've been back, I've actually been quite busy. I'm working a couple of jobs now and also trying hard to finish up school like a good girl. I also realized that for the past few months I haven't been concentrating myself on Toronto, thoughts and feelings have been elsewhere.
Well it is here that I am so, here I will be. I actually really like Toronto, I find it pretty and friendly and there is so much to do. There is no waking up in the middle of the night all panicky- points for Toronto!

My friend Andrea and her boyfriend Alex had me over for dinner one Saturday night after my return. It was a lovely, fun evening! Alex made the most delicious crepes I have ever eaten- both savoury and sweet! They are just off to France for a couple of weeks! I'm envious!!
The other night I did something wonderfully big city, I went grocery shopping after midnight. It was so much fun and much less busy- although still quite a few people in there! I had also had a really nice chat with my bus driver the night I came home from Andrea and Alex's and who do I get on my trip home from the store but the same one. I thought he looked super familiar but it wasn't until he made a comment about BC that I realized he was the same driver. See, nice city.
Really other than that not much is going on although it is busy. I'm looking forward to August here, I am hoping to make it out to Ottawa and play with Florie and Serena for a couple of days while Rob is away. I need to get back out there taking some photos, but lately life has just been going to school then to work then to school and then to bed!
Ok so now your caught up! I'll sit on the bus trying to think fancy things to write here for next time.
So in the month and a bit I've been back, I've actually been quite busy. I'm working a couple of jobs now and also trying hard to finish up school like a good girl. I also realized that for the past few months I haven't been concentrating myself on Toronto, thoughts and feelings have been elsewhere.
Well it is here that I am so, here I will be. I actually really like Toronto, I find it pretty and friendly and there is so much to do. There is no waking up in the middle of the night all panicky- points for Toronto!

My friend Andrea and her boyfriend Alex had me over for dinner one Saturday night after my return. It was a lovely, fun evening! Alex made the most delicious crepes I have ever eaten- both savoury and sweet! They are just off to France for a couple of weeks! I'm envious!!
The other night I did something wonderfully big city, I went grocery shopping after midnight. It was so much fun and much less busy- although still quite a few people in there! I had also had a really nice chat with my bus driver the night I came home from Andrea and Alex's and who do I get on my trip home from the store but the same one. I thought he looked super familiar but it wasn't until he made a comment about BC that I realized he was the same driver. See, nice city.
Really other than that not much is going on although it is busy. I'm looking forward to August here, I am hoping to make it out to Ottawa and play with Florie and Serena for a couple of days while Rob is away. I need to get back out there taking some photos, but lately life has just been going to school then to work then to school and then to bed!
Ok so now your caught up! I'll sit on the bus trying to think fancy things to write here for next time.
I like New York in June... how about you

Yes I know "some" people prefer Paris in the Springtime, but honestly New York is where it's at. I arrived after some delays getting of the ground in Toronto, always the worst when you just want to be GONE! I then made my way to Queens for the evening and had a lovely time.
Thursday morning, the last day of my twenties! I woke up early and had a leisurely morning with coffee and croissanty type food before heading back into Manhattan. I was fortunate when I arrived at our hotel to be allowed to check in although it was only 11.30am. So I was able to relax a little bit, but of course I'm a block from Times Square- who can relax?!!! I took myself off for a walk down 5th ave and a bit of a wander through the park. On my way back up I ducked into MoMa (the Museum of Modern Art) oh my gosh! I am in LOVE. The art there was amazing. Finally I had to concede to my bodies request for rest, I didn't sleep well the night before. So I made my way back to the hotel, found some food and had another luxury- a bath. Then I ended up watching American television and waiting for everyone to arrive. Of course, I got antsy and went out for a wander around Times Square at dusk. NEAT.
Everyone arrived in due course and we stayed up late catching up. The next morning we hit the streets and up the Empire State Building first thing. Now I'm generally not one for tall buildings, I wasn't impressed by going up the Eiffel Tower, I feel the CN building is pointless, but this was amazing. AND an excellent way to situate ourselves in the city. After that we walked down to the river and took a boat tour around half of Manhattan. The day was pretty hot so we were glad to get on the water and the views were amazing.
It was a race back to the hotel to get ready for dinner, first it was drinks at the Bubble Lounge in SoHo, champagne mmmmmmm. Then we were able to walk to dinner with only getting slightly lost. Dinner was at this funky Moroccan restaurant Cafe Noir, food and drink was plentiful. I was proposed to by some random fellow, obviously a complete scam artist, but hey it was nice to receive a proposal from someone who seemed to possess all of his own teeth and wasn't in line to start receiving his pension within the next year.
After that we taxi'd to Greenwich Village for a "bucket of beers" and a bit of a wander. Finally I had to plea tiredness and it turned out it was about 2am anyway!
Saturday was fun, we went to Central Park for a nice lunch (since we woke up a bit late) that we had grabbed at one of the awesome deli's and then walked up to the Guggenheim. I was so excited, Frank Lloyd Wright is a favourite architect of mine, however due to some structural problems (which I now hear are endemic in his buildings) the whole front of the Guggenheim was covered in scaffolding. Slightly disappointing. The interior was still really wonderful, although they were setting up a new installation in many of the galleries so they were cordoned off. The building is so tactile, there are hardly any square edges you just want to reach out and touch everything.
After that we headed to McSorley's which is a pub a la Big Bad Johns, but no bras, sawdust instead of peanuts and only two drinks. Light or dark beer which are served in two mini mugs. Deceiving. The fun part is they seat you with random people so we met some very nice individuals at our table. One suggested some betting on horse races and I surprised myself by deciding to do it. (I don't bet, because I don't win...) But! I got horse number 7, Rags to Riches, and I WON!!! I was shocked to say the very least!
Still I'm pretty sure it's a one off, so I don't think I'm hooked. Although it was pretty fun, I'd go to the horse races, but only if it meant I could wear a fancy hat.
Sunday was a bit of a day, the city that never sleeps was defeating us, we were tired and there was still so much to do!
After breakfast and check out we were going to walk down fifth to the Metropolitan Museum of Art- well. We get there and guess what! It's National Peurto Rico Day, there are a million people on fifth ave and we aren't going anywhere fast. Generally I hate parades, I just do not see the point, I hate standing around at the best of times.
We decided to head down into the park and then cross at 89th where the museum is located, well we get into the park and promptly get slightly lost... we make our way out only to find we've managed to go backwards a little bit. MAYHEM!
Anyway, we make it to the museum finally! Meet up with everyone, finally!
All in all it was a great trip and a thirtieth birthday I won't forget! Big Thanks to those who came to celebrate with me! - Chelsea, Laura, Robert and Valerie. And thank you to all those who couldn't make it but sent along your wishes. And of course thanks to my mum and dad for providing the genetic blueprint and for putting up with their wayward daughter as she fumbles through life. I'll get

A sculpture by Brancusi. It is one of my favourites I was delighted to see it in MoMa
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Me and Me Mum
Mid May my mother came to visit! It was very exciting as I've had a lot of visitors since I've moved out here but no family yet.
Fortunately the flight was on time although the luggage took forever, and so irritating that you can't go and wait with the people. We got home about 9 or 10 and got some hamburgers from the local grillways!
The next day we had an exciting spa day and pampering, it was really fun to get hands and feet all prettied up. Then we went home and had a relaxing night and watched a movie. It was also my parent's anniversary that day which is pretty neat, they've been married for over thirty years now that's a long time.
On the Saturday we went and checked out Kensington Market and walked all around there looking into the shops and checking out the cheese! I took mum out for Vietnamese for her first time, it was delicious!
Sadly I started to feel like I was getting a cold that day so we didn't do hardly anything at night and the next day I was definitely getting worse, but we managed a trip down to little India and bought a nice pashmina. Mine is blue! We also went to Greektown for some tasty food and then back to bed for me.
Mum went to Belleville the next day and I went back to bed. She came back for a night before she was to catch her flight back. We went to Dr. Generousity for a tapas style dinner.
I had so much fun when she was here I wish that I could have shown her more stuff, I've been checking things out more and more and there are so many neat places that I would love to take her. I guess that's all for next time.
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