So in the month and a bit I've been back, I've actually been quite busy. I'm working a couple of jobs now and also trying hard to finish up school like a good girl. I also realized that for the past few months I haven't been concentrating myself on Toronto, thoughts and feelings have been elsewhere.
Well it is here that I am so, here I will be. I actually really like Toronto, I find it pretty and friendly and there is so much to do. There is no waking up in the middle of the night all panicky- points for Toronto!

My friend Andrea and her boyfriend Alex had me over for dinner one Saturday night after my return. It was a lovely, fun evening! Alex made the most delicious crepes I have ever eaten- both savoury and sweet! They are just off to France for a couple of weeks! I'm envious!!
The other night I did something wonderfully big city, I went grocery shopping after midnight. It was so much fun and much less busy- although still quite a few people in there! I had also had a really nice chat with my bus driver the night I came home from Andrea and Alex's and who do I get on my trip home from the store but the same one. I thought he looked super familiar but it wasn't until he made a comment about BC that I realized he was the same driver. See, nice city.
Really other than that not much is going on although it is busy. I'm looking forward to August here, I am hoping to make it out to Ottawa and play with Florie and Serena for a couple of days while Rob is away. I need to get back out there taking some photos, but lately life has just been going to school then to work then to school and then to bed!
Ok so now your caught up! I'll sit on the bus trying to think fancy things to write here for next time.
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