Today was a migraine day. It came on suddenly last night, they just appear out of nowhere, and yesterday was a tame day, I didn't consume anything terrible drank plenty of water... but at about 10.30pm last night it hit. I thought if I could just go to sleep it would work itself out during the night.
But when I woke up this morning it was still there, my constant companion. As far as being a migraine sufferer I get off pretty easy these days. I don't tend to vomit, and I can go out in daylight usually. I've also found that over the counter migraine meds can often help me get through the day.
I've only had to go to the hospital once with a migraine, when it became apparent to me and the BF of the day that I was no longer rational. And by that I mean, I was seriously thinking about stabbing my eye with something pointy to somehow alleviate the pain.
But that was quite a while ago, in fact I've been pretty lucky lately. I guess my number was up today. However since the days that I used to suffer fairly regularly with them one is now able to buy over the counter migraine pills, rather than using the Dr. prescribed ones. The imitrex I was prescribed cost $40 per pill so you don't want to use those lightly.
It's funny, because you can try to take a regular headache pill, but the migraine will scoff at it and then totally ignore it.
I took my first pill at 9am this morning, and by the time I had to leave for my work meeting I was feeling a bit more than out of it. These pills are interesting, because they don't stop the pain of the migraine, or dissolve the migraine; rather they separate you from your body in such a way that you can't really feel the pain of the migraine.
So there you are, the walking wounded, fully functioning in your migraine hoping that the pain will dissipate before the drugs wear off. You can tell that your migraine is there, it's like a little dog pulling at the leash for your full attention, but these drugs make you numb- not totally fuzzy, but definitely one step behind.
Is it better to be able to be up and around, or to be cowering under the covers in total darkness. Either way, you feel exhausted at the end of it, in a way it was like part of me was in bed under the covers. Co-workers did comment that I didn't seem myself, and while I often feel that I spend a lot of my time separate from my body for entirely different reasons, today part of me was on the inside of far-out.
The migraine is gone finally, but I am still in the grips of the second pill I had to take, because I'd rather take this wrapped in cotton feeling than the stabbing pain of a migraine. So all in all a bit of a weird day and I thought I'd share it since I'm feeling so delightfully lucid.
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