Feast: Hopefully you’ve had more than one spectacular meal in 2012, but what is the first that comes to mind? Were you surrounded by family at the dining room table? Sitting on a bench by the lake? Bring us there
I would say the dinner we took my parents to when they were out for a visit. The HB did some research on local restaurants and we decided to go with Cowbell, just down the street from us.
The food was spectacular, they do their in house butchering and curing and everything else is quite local. We were there for an earlier dinner so we had the restaurant to pretty much to ourselves. We paired it with a beautiful red and some great conversation.
What stands out the most is this being a meal out with my parents but really it was four grown ups out together. I've been on grown up footing with my parents for quite a few years now, they are parents but also best friends. However, adding the HB in has changed the dynamic slightly. I have never had a partner that my parents got along with so well and respected so much and that is just so easy for the four of us to be together.
I remember being younger and watching my parents and my grandparents at the table, or out and everyone got along so well and you knew that this was all family, but it was also friends coming together and wanting that for myself some day.
And now I can see, that this has happened. That meal was delicious and it felt great to be able to treat my parents to a nice dinner when they have given so much. A dinner ending not in dishes, but a warm spring evening stroll through the neighbourhood was the perfect meal.