Hello from Onterrible!
Although I have to say to be fair it seems pretty good so far. All the people have been super nice. My landlord is amazing, he picked me (and my luggage up from the airport). But I get ahead of myself. Let's start this tale from the beginning:
I actually missed my flight on Wednesday morning. Due to some clearly cloudy thinking I left waaaay too late in the morning and didn't make the check in. The man at the desk took pity on me and did some fanangling and got me the last seat on a 6.30 flight out of victoria direct to toronto. So I ended up getting in a half hour early than was supposed. Which was ok, although I would have preferred not to have spent that money. Oh well.
J my landlord took me the sort of scenic route home. It was nice to see the lake- hurrah water!- and high park looks terrific. Once getting in and getting my luggage in we worked on getting the network set up for me so I can pester all of you as I have been. Once that was done I took a cab to go get the boxes that had arrived the day before via greyhound. The cab driver was very nice and pointed out buildings and then we chatted about cricket. I tell you- if you like cricket and can talk about it in even the most basic terms you will have friends the world over.
I got dinner from this little eatery on the corner. Terrific home-made burgers! It's called Grillaway's- it's good. I was really keyed up after all the stress so I spent the evening unpacking all my boxes even though I had only slept a few hours in two days. I finally was able to get to sleep and it was good.
This morning I called my friends Florie and Rob and arranged for them to come over. In the meantime I went across the street to the coffee place I saw and got an Americano, it was pretty good I have to say. The hardware store wasn't open yet so I headed back home only to find out that I had locked myself out of my apartment. Quite obviously I was not finished being an airhead. Fortunately I was wearing a fleecy and had my wallet (and my camera for some reason). So I ended up sitting on the porch and waited for F&R. Once they arrived we walked up to Jane and went to lunch at this super cute diner where the woman waitress made us sit up straight and keep our elbows off the table.
The rest of the afternoon was spent walking and poking around the different areas, it was so great to see friendly faces and they totally helped me out by letting me fill their vehicle with stuff.
I was let into my place in the afternoon- whew! F&R hung out for a bit and helped put together my bed and such. When they left I really started to get the place in order. I have pictures up on the wall now so it's getting much more homey.
I've chatting with peeps this evening (web cams are super sweet!) and watching a bit of TV and now a movie. Pics of my place are on my flickr page- this picture is the view of my corner. There are three small convenience stores, two of them are kind of nasty .
Tomorrow I'm heading up to explore the school.
And now it's more puttering. Good evening!
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