If I were in Victoria right now. Damn and blast all you snow goers! It was so mild this evening that I couldn't even wear my fancy toque and mitts.
So the first week of school has ended for me. Today was slightly irritating- as I was not going to go to my first class (I just knew it wasn't going to pan out) and finally convinced myself to be a good student and not skip in the first week, only to find out the lecture doesn't start until next week. So I had a couple of hours to kill up on campus- thrilling.
I wrote a small english quiz for my class- I don't get it, I had to do an English written thing to be placed in the class and now I have to do one to prove that I belong in the class- seems slightly disorganized to me.
That done I had my sandwich and read a little bit. Although the plastic bag I used for my lunch kit smelled suspiciously like dirty hippy incense. BLECH. I believe the previous tenant was a filthy boy who never cleaned and smoked like mad in the apartment- possibly trying to clear it up by burning nasty incense. That I would say is the only thing I don't like thus far. And that will go away! (the smell, not my dislike for the smell)
Well my hair seems to be less frizzy here. Score one for Ontario. So far my teachers (I don't know if you can call them profs if you are not in Uni) all seem really nice and approachable. Today I had a Structures course which was neat and I am looking forward to the project (although it's a group project- gosh how I hate those). And I do mean hate them. I always either end up alienating everyone because I am bossy and they are idiots or become totally apathetic about the situation. I usually try to get out of it- which I would say is a demonstration of one's ability to negotiate. A very handy skill.
The class seemed to degenerate down into a discussion of why we are here and what can an Architectural Technologist due- mainly due to a man who is getting retraining done because of an injury at his previous profession. Which is fine, we should have some idea of what we are going to be doing with this certificate and the limitations of it but don't you think you should do that on your own time? I know I did- obviously I won't become a high powered high paid architect with this diploma and that I'll have to start at some office as a drafts person and work my way around and up and if I really wanted to make money fast I'd be plumber or an electrician. And some people were asking the teacher how much we'd make after grading, the poor guy just wanted to talk about structures- and he isn't even an AT he's a structural engineer...
Anyway that was not that exciting.
The next class was my CADD class also know as AutoCADD, with the same teacher. We started to play around a little bit with it. It looks like it could be fun. Class finishes at about 6 and since it's rush hour I don't get home until about 7.30ish. So I just had dinner- my first at my spanky new kitchen table.
I have to pack up tonight and tomorrow I'll be heading off on the train to visit my Grandma in Belleville- which I believe it about 3 hours outside of Toronto. I am excited for two reasons: firstly I get to see my grandma for the first time in years and secondly because I get to take the train. I love trains, it can be such an elegant way to travel.
My boxes still haven't arrived, but there have been some blizzards and such across the country so I can't get too paranoid I suppose. I was hoping to get them when I had time in the morning to go get them, but that will have to wait until next week I guess. I do have a suitcase at Grandma's with my easel in it and other things that I can't remember packing.
Anyhoo I should go and write emails to people. All of you reading this in snow covered house well it's just not fair! You can send it to me. Although it is kind of like that song "Everywhere you go always take the weather with you".
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