This past weekend my friend Jen was in town from Montreal. It was so great to see her (and the added bonus of having a house guest is the house gets cleaned) and hang out. We met up Saturday afternoon downtown and walked around and looked at the various porn available to us on Bloor St. There was diamond porn- Tiffany's, yoga porn- Lululemon, shoe porn (my fave!)- Nine West, way too fancy porn- Chanel, kitchen porn- Williams-Sonoma. It was delightful... After that we dined at a pub near the school of Music with a bunch of the opera peoples. It was fun, but those singing types certainly know how to project their voices.
Jen and I headed home and chatted for bit before bed. Had a bit of a lazy Sunday morning and then met up with her friends Kristen and Ashley for brunch at Mitzi's. This is definitely the best brunch I have had here. AND I had the scrambled eggs... I know I know. I was as shocked as you all. AND the even weirder thing was I then wanted the pancake. But it's a great little spot in Roncensvales, tiny kind of reminded me of Cup of Joes. Still have not had a good benny here though.
After brunch Jen and I window shopped and such along the village. Big news! I bought my first purse in Toronto. And yes- it is a big deal! It's a matt and natt gray clutch- so cute! Jen took off in the afternoon and I came back to get it together for school today.

Hmm well I could make this post much more exciting but I am slightly distracted and I really have to get prepped for tomorrow. So I'll say adieu. The pics are of Jen(short brown hair) & Ashley and Kirsten & me.
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