Things are going well here at the centre of the world. Had a very nice weekend, friend was visiting from out of town and that was lovely. Had to work like a dog to get this massive drafting project done. But I got it done and handed in Friday morning- whew. So the weekend was free and clear for good times.
It was sunny today! Huroooo apparently it's going to be in the late teens on Thursday so take that West Coast!!! Hopefully it will be sunny and then I will call all of you at 8am (EST-natch) and let you know how awesome it is here. Maybe I'll wear my flipflops...
Really not much else has been going on. After all the wonderful excitement of last weekend it's good to get back into a routine. School is staring to heat up a bit.
Huh- well there was a slight delay in posting the past post- as it's now the weekend again. Sunday to be exact. Actually even worse it's sunday evening and I have a test tomorrow. So I have been studying and cleaning and taking some very odd photos when I can't handle the studying or the cleaning anymore.
Yet another project due this week- will be doing that for the rest of the evening and tomorrow and tomorrow night and tues morning!
Right going to actually post this as opposed to resaving draft in manner of many of my emails.
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