Monday, December 20, 2010


Healing. What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011?

In a way, Australia healed me this year. There are aspects of that trip that brought up so much pain and anguish and patterns of behaviour that I wanted to suppress.

This made me confront things and cut people that are toxic out of my life after standing up for myself. Unfortunately you can't change a person from being an asshole, but you can say I will not forgive you for treating me poorly. And that was really scary to do. But I did do it and I'm stronger for it.

 And it healed my wanderlust a little bit. Not completely, mind you. I will always, always want to be away, traveling. A stranger in a strange land is my idea of heaven. But I know where my home base is. And I know that all the hard slog I've put into this city, into creating friendships and connections is paying off.

So I'd say it was drip-by-drip more than it was whammo a sudden explosion.

It's like I woke up and realized, I am happy. I want to continue this, and it will make me stronger and wily and all the colours of the rainbow in 2011.

I think recommended reading would be "The Fox with Cold Feet" I finally realized my feet aren't that cold.

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