Sunday, July 29, 2007

Today is Yellow

It's also August first. I quite like the first of months. I try to remember to say white rabbits before saying anything else in the morning or before talking to anyone. But given my lifestyle that's pretty easy at the moment.

Life has been pretty super lately. I have had two friends recommend to me that I watch/read "The Secret" all about the laws of attraction. Well after finding out the book has about 1200 holds on it at the library I decided on the movie option. I ended up watching it although it had no sound and was subtitled. It's quite uplifting and great in general. I have heard of lots of the theories before, however it's good to have a refresher.

On that note, I've been in a great mood lately. I have also decided that I'm going to pick a different colour everyday and notice it as much as possible. Today, as the title implies was yellow- which is one of my more favourite colours to begin with. It makes me happy just thinking about the colour yellow.

I recently rearranged my room and I think this new set up is going to work much better for me. Yessss much bettah! I can now see out the window from my: desk, chair and bed. In the mornings actually it's quite lovely because I can see the sun on the tree leaves and the added bonus of feeling the breeze from the window.

It's darn hot right now, hotter than a snakes ass in a wagon rut. And if it's hot for me down in my basement it is HAWT.

I also purchased a plant tonight! His name is Albert and he's a peace lily. Yes, I name AND talk to my plants- (one small step to crazy cat woman, I know). I have a peace lily that is staying with my parents right now, that one is about ten years old. I have a cactus at my parents that I have had since high school(which is terrifyingly over ten years). I really miss my plants actually. I think I must be putting down roots (ha- figuratively if not literally) by buying some plants here in Toronto. Living in a plant free existence is just not me.

Really I have nothing for you, my admiring public (hi mum!). I'm just warm and bored and don't quite want to go to sleep.

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