Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Time

Let's take a break from talking about Sydney shall we? Because of my laziness/tiredness when I was there I didn't post anything so now I have to do catch up.

But I am here, in Toronto, now- where Spring is happening.

The weather since I have been back has been really quite wonderful. There have been a few days of rain, but not that many. On the whole it's been sunny blue skies and crispy temperatures.

I first moved to Toronto in January, it was very cold and snowy. Delightful, really. And Spring came in March that year. My next year, Spring came much later- May, and I realized that the advent of the New Year, in the rest of Canada, does not mean that Spring is around the corner. Spring generally sets in on Vancouver Island, towards the end of January, so New Year is sort of like the end of Winter. But for the rest of Canada New Year signals the beginning of the deep freeze, the dark days of Winter that loom ahead. It's a lot to get your mind around.

And Spring, well that can come slowly, as it is doing this year, or it can come quickly, like last year. Spring started around the 2nd week of May- and by the end of May it was full on Summer. You could be out walking one day and notice that there wasn't a trace of Spring anywhere, no leaves budding on trees, no pussy willows whistling in the breeze- just barren winter landscape. And then- and I kid you not- three days later the trees were almost fully leafy and tulips were up it is unbelievable.  And then the heat kicked in.

Spring this year is hanging out on the regular, at a medium pace. So when you go for walks- as I have been doing these past few days, you can see the beginnings of the leaves on the trees- there are these beautiful yellow bush thingys that I really should learn the name of because I like them quite a bit. But they had so much colour to the streets. I don't think I'm above suggesting them to my landlord for the front, or perhaps out the back where I can see them from my living room window.

On my walk today, the birds were out- I saw some large Hawks or Eagles, a very yellow bird, a very red bird and some birds that COULD be bluejays- I'm not sure since I've never seen one. Clearly I need a book on birds. 

And the sky! I have very rarely seen a bluer sky than I do here, it's such a beautiful contrast to the red brick houses.

Ahh Spring! A time of hope, new beginning, the promise of the heat and headiness of Summer.

1 comment:

B. Smith said...

Where do you go walking? I love this time of year too!
I lost your email, hit me back sometime. :)