Monday, December 11, 2006

The dreaded morning after

Well actually it wasn't as terrible as it could have been. Last night was my going away evening with friends and fellows that were able to make it. It was quite good fun- especially for me as I am old and defunct and don't get out like those young whippersnappers i know.

The evening began at Bart's pub for dinner, my parents and Nanny joined us which was so nice of them. It was difficult to say good bye to Nanny, but I am optimistic that she will fly out to visit me and we will happy hour Toronto!

We then proceeded to go to Big Bad John's - however there were too many of us and we couldn't all fit. Even though I asked the bouncer to throw out some losers that were NOT having a farewell party he seems oblivious to my plight. Hmmm

So we had a couple in the sticky wicket and headed to the Red Jacket. The woman at the door Diana who i spoke with was awesome- gave us cheap cover and we danced like it was 1999 all night long.

I felt fine this morning waking up except for my back being a bit out of whack. Seems like I got my groove on and it got stuck there.

Mary, Merrick and Janos and I went for a breakfast at Cup of Joe's and then for a drive. We got back and everyone went there separate ways- Mary and Merrick adopted some of my plants. Then I watched Children of Dune from bed under a duvet. (yeah I know I am a nerd but Frank Herbert is/was the shizznack)

Frankly I consider this day seized.
And with that I am going to read in bed.

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