Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Appreciate. What's the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it?

Toronto. Oh heart of my hearts. Home of my homes. City, friend, lover.

I spent the first 3 months out of Toronto living in a different country and culture. One I had thought and dreamed about for years, wanting to go there, to live there, to BE there. And so I went, planning on sussing it out, and then making the move over there and start again another grand adventure. It was all planned out.

Except for one thing I didn't plan on, missing Toronto with every fibre of my being. I composed love letters to it, I mooned over pictures, I cried for it, I counted the days until I could see it again. And when I landed in Toronto at dusk- the sun, glinting off the CN Tower in the distance and my second favourite Feist song (I feel it All) playing in Pearson International, I really did start to cry and had I been alone, I would have fallen on the floor and kissed the ground a la Kevin Costner arriving home to England in Robin Hood- Prince of Thieves. I was home.

What did I do to appreciate Toronto? I left. And I came back, sure in my knowledge that this is the city for me. That it is Love, big L- L.O.V.E. I have going on here. It makes me squeek and sigh every time I see the CN Tower, and brings a smile to my face when I wake up. It makes me wish my arms were 50km long so I could give Toronto the biggest, squishiest, most wonderful hug I could ever give.

Thank you Toronto, you saved me. You made my life worth living again in so many ways. I'm grateful, you and me- we're soul mates. I'll always be on your side telling the world how great you are. Many might not believe me (they're probably from the west coast anyway...) but we know, that you and I share something special.

This is me expressing my gratitude at the best city in the world.  XOTO

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And Toronto loves you too!