Friday, December 31, 2010


Travel. How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?

Heh, this is a rather reverb to start on, when I read it I was a day away from flying out to New Jersey for the holidays. Which, if you read the news- me wanting to fly out on the 26th- can imagine how that ended. It was a 30 hour journey to get home and there was a lot of time cursing myself for leaving town for Christmas for traveling in general.

It's been a bit of a shite year for travel mojo, I've had several canceled flights, lost luggage, being stranded in cities, being desperately far away from my family and friends and all that was familiar. But there were some great great trips, to the beach, to New York City. And always elements of the sublime in every single trip I took.

But you know- I still love it and crave it. And people help each other, I witnessed so much openness while at Newark, people came round with homemade cupcakes, there was group commiseration on our circumstances. It made me feel part of a larger thing, part of humanity. Where we try to make the best of a bad situation and help out people around us.

I want to keep traveling like that in 2011, I want to be open and helpful and remember that it could be worse and that a helping hand can make all the difference and we're all in this together.

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