Monday, December 31, 2012

Dec 17- Surprise

Surprise:  The most surprising thing that happened this year was…

I suppose it would be getting married. I mean that in itself wasn't surprising since it was on the table for the whole year, but if you had asked me two years ago at this time if I was going to be married in 2012 I would have probably laughed you out of town.

I hadn't reallly given getting married much thought in the past five years, after thinking about it compulsively and jealously for the previous four. I used to cast longing gazes at the rings of others, burst into tears at the announcement of an engagement. Smile through the anger when a friend or friends got engaged and married. But thankfully that changed and I just stopped caring or thinking about it very much. I was actually geniunely happy when good people got married.

And then one day it happend to me. Which doesn't mean it was or is the most amzing thing to ever happen to me. It could be, but I also hope for other amazing things. It just wasn't on my radar.

In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

I'm glad I stopped.