Friday, December 7, 2012

Reverb 2012- Dec 1 Where it Began

Where it began: Review and reflect – how did 2012 begin for you? Tell us how the year kicked off; start your renewal by beginning again.

The year of 2012 kicked off pretty quietly. I was home by myself for most of NYE as the HB had to do some work. He managed to make it home just before midnight. I think I watched Lord of the Rings. 

While i like a good party I find these forced moments of "joy" slightly annoying, want to go out to celebrate or have dinner to celebrate, well let's just charge you double because it's New Years Eve... these years I've been more keen to either spend it with a couple of friends or just by myself. 

The year may have started of quietly, but it was anything but a quiet year. There was much ado about a day going on for pretty much the whole year. And then after that is was much ado about my friends day! The year of days, that's what this will be known for. 

So it's been a good year, a year of changes and adjustment, of additions and losses, good and bad, ups and downs. Really, it's been a year just like any other with wonderful moments and depressing moments. And the gamut in between moments.  I'm very happy this year happened and very happy that it's now part of family lore.

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